Your search returned 2 results.

Rev. Pat. Thomae ex Charmes Provinciae Lothar. Capucinor... Compendium theologiae universae ad usum examinandorum...

by Thomas ex Charmes (O.F.M. Cap.), 1703-1765 | De la Molliere, J. B., (Lyon) [imp.].

Edition: Editio quinta...Material type: Text Text; Format: print Language: Latin Publication details: Lugduni : apud J.B. de la Molliere, 1790Online access: Click here to access online Availability: Items available for reference: Not for loanCall number: S.XVIII-2765 (1). :
Rev. Pat. Thomae ex Charmes Provinciae Lothar. Capucinor... Theologia universa ad usum sacrae theologiae Tomus VII de sacramenis

by Thomas ex Charmes (O.F.M. Cap.), (1703-1765.) | De la Molliere, J. B., (Lyon) [imp.].

Edition: Editio quinta, emendatior & auctior juxta S. Augustini PrincipiaMaterial type: Text Text; Format: print Language: Latin Publication details: Lugduni : apud J.B. de la Molliere, 1790Online access: Click here to access online Availability: Items available for reference: Not for loanCall number: S.XVIII-14486 (1). :

Bibliotecas Dominicos Provincia Hispania, 2016

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